
Write faster, write better, make more money!

Skyrocket your productivity and boost your songwriting skills with this amazing online course, available for FREE for a very limited time!

Are  you tired of wasting time sitting around and waiting for inspiration to strike?

In today's music business, time is money. So you need to STOP wasting yours by waiting around for inspiration.

This course takes inspiration out of the equation by giving you simple, easy to follow speedwriting method that will allow you to write GREAT songs in less than an hour!

  • Speed up your songwriting process
  • Come up with new song ideas without wasting time sitting around waiting for inspiration
  • Kick blank-page-syndrome out of your life
  • Write more songs and make more money!
Step-By-Step Process

A step-by-step video series where I take you through creating a new song in less than 1 hour!

Systematic Approach

An introduction to my songwriting system that I've used to write songs on-demand during my 20 year songwriting career

For Everyone

A no-nonsense approach to songwriting that works for everyone, regardless of previous experience

Skyrocket your productivity for FREE

Free access

Sign up to get instant access to The Speedwriting Masterclass
