This is a very special episode, because today I am going to get
Eyvindur Karlsson
My entire career has been creative, in one way or another. I have started my own businesses, released works of art, independently and through major publishers, in addition to receiving awards for my work in the theater.
I am a multi-passionate artist. I see this as my biggest strength. I have experience from many fields, and they all boil down to two essential qualities: People and stories.
I am a theater director, so I can work with people.
I am also aware of the fact that our most important asset, regardless of our field, are stories. Whether we're talking marketing, music or literature, it's all about stories. Without great stories, we won't get far.
That's where I come in: I'm a storyteller.
Throughout the years I have worked on many projects as a freelance marketer, including public relations and marketing for big and small projects. In addition I have built my own businesses with my own marketing efforts, and I have a wealth of experience with advertising and online marketing consultation.
I was the brand manager for video game developer Solid Clouds hf. from April to November 2021, and among other tasks I was responsible for all the marketing and PR surrounding the company's IPO in the summer of 2021.
In addition I was involved in building brands like El Grillo Brewery and Free Walking Tour Reykjavik.
I started the company Follow Me ehf., which runs Free Walking Tour Reykjavik, among other tourist activities in Iceland. I have been CEO and CMO there since 2018.
In addition, I run a small record label and own a third of El Grillo Brewery, and I have done all the marketing for these businesses.
In addition to being my own public relations manager, I was responsible for a sizeable PR campaign for the Solid Clouds IPO in the summer of 2021.
I was the head of PR and marketing for Allir lesa, a reading initiative run by Reykjavik, UNESCO City of Literature.
I started my professional career as a copywriter at advertising agency Ennemm. While my tenure there was brief, I have been involved in copywriting ever since.
My focus has largely been on content marketing, and I have been pretty successful in that field, writing blogs, doing podcasts and public relations.
Creative Writing and Translations
Since graduating with a bachelor's degree in literature I have worked as a translater and creative writer. Over the years I have worked in radio, television, theater and the book publishing world, as well as video games.
In addition to being the brand manager at Solid Clouds I was Head of Lore. I oversaw all the creative writing related to the Starborne universe, from lore related short stories to character arcs to the actual in-game story.
Content marketing is my passion. I firmly believe that all marketing and communication comes down to stories, and I've worked very hard to combine storytelling, marketing and business in my career. I believe a holistic approach is what works best in the modern world.
I have started and maintained blogs and podcasts to support my own businesses, with great success, and I have also run blogs for other entities.
I wrote, directed and produced a radio comedy seires named Tímaflakk (Time Travel) in 2006-2007. They were later brought back as a podcast.
I published the novel Ósagt (Unsaid) in 2007.
I have written articles for radio, magazines and blogs, in Iceland and internationally.
I have been a translator of television and film for 20 years.
I have translated several theater plays, including The 39 Steps and The Black Comedy.
I have translated books for publication.
I have translated animated series.
Síðustu 20 árin hef ég verið tónlistarstjóri og lagahöfundur í leikhúsi, auk þess að semja, taka upp og gefa út mína eigin tónlist og koma fram víða á sviði, hérlendis og erlendis. Tónlistin mín hefur verið flutt af erlendum listamönnum, og ég hef unnið við tvær Grímusýningar. Ég á útgáfufélagið One Bad Day slf. og kenni námskeið í lagasmíðum.
Ég hef samið og flutt tónlist í ótal leiksýningum. Meðal annars:
Ubbi kóngur, Leikfélag Hafnarfjarðar
Góði dátinn Svejk og Hasek vinur hans, Gaflaraleikhúsið
Í skugga Sveins, Gaflaraleikhúsið (Grímuverðlaun sem Barnasýning ársins)
Gosi, Borgarleikhúsið (Grímuverðlaun sem Barnasýning ársins)
Fíflið, Tjarnarbíó (væntanleg haustið 2022)
Ég hef gefið út plötur með frumsaminni tónlist.
Misery Loves Company, 2007
A Bottle Full of Dreams, 2018
Má bjóða þér minna?, 2022
Ég kenni námskeið í lagasmíðum á vefsíðunni
Ég er í stjórn tónlistarhátíðarinnar Melodica Hafnarfjörður, sem hlaut styrk frá Hafnarfjarðarbæ 2020.
Það má segja að ég hafi alist upp í leikhúsinu, og það er aldrei langt undan. Ég er menntaður leikstjóri og hef síðustu árin starfað mikið við leikhús, sem tónskáld, tónlistarflytjandi, leikari og leikstjóri. Að auki hef ég þýtt leikrit og þjálfað leikara fyrir inntökupróf í leiklistarskóla.
Ég er með MA próf í leikstjórn frá East 15 leiklistarskólanum í London og hef leikstýrt sýningum á borð við Blúndur og blásýru hjá FAS og Leikfélagi Hornafjarðar og Sweeney Todd hjá Leikfélagi Hólmavíkur.
Að auki hef ég leikstýrt örverkum og þjálfað leikara fyrir inntökupróf í leiklistarskóla.
Ég hef leikið í ótal sýningum og sjónvarpsþáttum, þar á meðal Gosa, Góða dátanum Svejk og Í skugga Sveins.
Ég hef samið tónlist og verið tónlistarstjóri í ótal leiksýningum.
“Eyvindur’s approach to songwriting, time management and goal setting has boosted my productivity and rekindled my passion for writing songs since now I am writing songs like there is no tomorrow!”
-Tryggvi Heiðar Gígjuson
Markaðsfræði og alþjóðaviðskipti, MSc
Háskóli Íslands. Áætluð útskrift 2023
Theatre Directing, MA
University of Essex, útskrifaður 2011
Almenn bókmenntafræði, BA
Háskóli Íslands, útskrifaður 2005
Valin verk
Hér að neðan eru örfá dæmi um það sem ég hef fengist við í gegnum tíðina.
Maðurinn er ekkert ef hann hefur ekki sögur, og þess vegna er ég sannfærður um að sögur eru það eina sem virkar í markaðsmálum.
Og listum.
Og bara lífinu.
Við þurfum á sögum að halda.
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